Transform Aid International_acnc Group
Charity reporting is up to date.
Public Benevolent Institution
Basic Religious Charity
Tax deductible (DGR)
Financial Report Consolidated
Key Information
Charity Status
Charity reporting is up to date.
Charity Size
- Extra Small (<$50k)
- Small ($50k-$250k)
- Medium ($250k-$1m)
- Large ($1m-$10m)
- Very Large ($10m-$100m)
- Extra Large (>$100m)
Revenue $21m
Years in Operation
Operating State(s)
No reported operations
Overseas Operations
Not Operating Overseas
Number of Employees
% Revenue from Govt.
Revenue from Govt. ($5.5m)
Total Expenses
92.6% of Revenue
% Revenue from Donations
Revenue from Donations ($14.7m)
Grants for Use in Aus.
0% of Expenses
Grants for Use Outside Aus.
61% of Expenses
% Employee Expenses
Employee Expenses ($5.8m)
More Details
Basic Information
Purpose statement
In 2023 Transform Aid International continued to focus on building partnerships to generate lasting solutions to global poverty, through life-changing community development projects, child and youth focused programs, and disaster relief. We work in 22 countries, with 35 local Christian partners who help us deliver 67 projects that address poverty and create opportunities for children and families to thrive. By building leadership and capacity at a grassroots level and utilising expertise and alliances across the globe we create sustainable change that lasts. Through our local Christian partners, Transform Aid International works with communities to identify the root causes of poverty and injustice. We provide support, resources, and training so communities can develop their own solutions which empower individuals and groups to create locally-led change. Central to the success of our programming is a high level of community participation and ownership, which means the impact will continue beyond our project funding. That s why we work with our local Christian partners to encourage the formation and strengthening of community-based organisations and structures such as self-help groups, village development organisations, or child protection committees. These community-based organisations receive training on areas such as agricultural techniques, vocational training, maternal health, child rights and protection, leadership skills, financial literacy and savings. Members are encouraged to act together and discover ways to use their strengths to create change and build lasting solutions. Focus areas of our programming in 2023 included child and youth empowerment, gender equality and disability inclusion, disaster relief, and church-based community development.
2023 Financial Data
This charity reports as a group for financial purposes, for contact information and address, please visit the individual group member pages from the links below.
2023 Revenue Breakdown
Total Revenue $20,970,538$21m
2023 Expenses Breakdown
Total Expenses $19,415,175$19.4m
Total Gross Income (incl. $0.00$0 of other income e.g. gains): $20,970,538$21m
Transform Aid International_ACNC Group have a net surplus of $1,555,363$1.6m
2023 Assets Breakdown
Total Assets $15,964,378 $16m
2023 Liabilities Breakdown
Total Liabilities $1,616,232$1.6m
Transform Aid International_ACNC Group have net assets of $14,348,146$14.3m
2023 People
Staff Costs
27.6% of Annual Revenue
Full Time Equivalent Employees
Average Expense per Employee
Full Time Employees
53% of Employees
Part Time Employees
44% of Employees
Casual Employees
3% of Employees
This organisation is supported by 25 volunteers.
Charity Name | Group Name | ABN |
Baptist World Aid Australia Public Ancillary Fund |
Transform Aid International_acnc Group |
77507629093 |
Baptist World Aid Australia Ltd |
Transform Aid International_acnc Group |
86164099736 |
Transform Aid International Limited |
Transform Aid International_acnc Group |
63430709718 |
Baptist World Aid Church And Community Engagement Ltd |
Transform Aid International_acnc Group |
48670147449 |