Financial Report
Annual financial reports provide financial information and act as an additional level of assurance about a charity’s operations and financial affairs during a reporting period. They help charities meet the legislative obligations in the ACNC Act. Financial statements are prepared as required by the ACNC Act and Regulations using standards set by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). Unless the charity takes part in transitional reporting arrangements. Large charities must have their annual financial report audited. Medium charities can have their annual financial report either audited or reviewed.
About Us
Integrity, honesty and unbiased assessment are at the core of Giving Guide’s mission. The charity sector is important to the economy and culture of Australia, We believe independently assessing the accountability, transparency and effectiveness of the sector beyond what is currently available is important to it's future.
Giving Guide anticipates enhancing the level of governance and transparency in the Australian charity sector. An independent charity advisor would benefit the sector by helping charities consider exceeding the existing governance standards of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) to the benefit of donors.
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