Culture and arts (Culture and recreation)
This activity is best explained by some general examples of the activities a charity may undertake within this category. The examples are not an exhaustive list. They are presented as a guide. A charity’s experience or interpretation of the category may be different. See Charity Activities.
Culture and arts
Promoting Australian Indigenous culture and customs. Example: a community radio station broadcasts all its content in a particular Aboriginal language to promote the continued use of the language among its native speakers and their families.
Media and communications – Production and dissemination of information and communications about culture or art; includes radio and TV stations, publishing of books, journals, newspapers and newsletters, film production and libraries. Example: a monthly newsletter that promotes local community events, local music and educational events. Economic, social and community development
Visual arts, architecture, ceramic art -Production, dissemination and display of visual arts and architecture; includes sculpture, photographic societies, painting, drawing, design centres and architectural associations. Example: an artist-run space held a show presenting contemporary art to the community. Social services
Performing arts –Performing arts centres, companies and associations; includes theatre, dance, ballet, opera, orchestras, choirs and music ensembles. Example: a community group held dance and theatre performances over a weekend to celebrate local performing arts. primary and secondary education (includes preschool organisations other than day care)
Historical, literary and humanistic societies -Promotion and appreciation of the humanities, preservation of historical and cultural artefacts and commemoration of historical events; includes historical societies, poetry and literary societies, language associations, reading promotion, war memorials and commemorative funds and associations. Example: a society that collects, preserves and displays documents and photos from the local council area held an exhibition in the local council chambers.
Museums – General and specialised museums covering art, history, sciences, technology and culture; includes museums that preserve and exhibit Australian heritage. Example: a museum that collects and displays to the public specialised clothing and textiles, with information regarding the significance of each of the pieces it displays.
Zoos and aquariums. Example: a zoo breeds endangered species and has educational information about the animals it displays to the public.
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Integrity, honesty and unbiased assessment are at the core of Giving Guide’s mission. The charity sector is important to the economy and culture of Australia, We believe independently assessing the accountability, transparency and effectiveness of the sector beyond what is currently available is important to it's future.
Giving Guide anticipates enhancing the level of governance and transparency in the Australian charity sector. An independent charity advisor would benefit the sector by helping charities consider exceeding the existing governance standards of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) to the benefit of donors.
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