Other education (Education and research)

27 MAY

This activity is best explained by some general examples of the activities a charity may undertake within this category. The examples are not an exhaustive list. They are presented as a guide. A charity’s experience or interpretation of the category may be different. See Charity Activities.

Other education

Vocational/technical schools – Technical and vocational training specifically geared towards gaining employment; includes trade schools.

Example: a training organisation offers certificate courses in food handling, responsible sale of alcohol and hospitality.

Adult/continuing education – Institutions engaged in providing education and training in addition to the formal educational system; includes schools of continuing studies, correspondence schools, night schools and sponsored literacy and reading programs.

Example: a community centre runs an educational program to teach adults who disengaged from the school system at an early age to read and write.

Less formal education aimed at the development of citizenship and core life skills.

Example: an organisation runs educational programs in schools to teach children about the dangers of recreational drug use.

Other support for education, such as the provision of scholarships and prizes.

Example: a trust set up to annually give a scholarship for mathematical excellence.


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Giving Guide anticipates enhancing the level of governance and transparency in the Australian charity sector. An independent charity advisor would benefit the sector by helping charities consider exceeding the existing governance standards of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) to the benefit of donors.

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